Conservation, storage and transport
Food storage and preservation
The correct reception and storage of foodstuffs are important elements to take into account and respect when working for the food sector. By their nature, these products are perishable and subject to attack by micro-organisms. These bacteria deteriorate the products, making them initially unsaleable and then unfit for consumption.
Lobrot is fully aware of the issues related to hygiene, storage and conservation of foodstuffs. This is why we have developed a wide range of containers and boxes to facilitate their storage and transport. It goes without saying that all our products are made of materials that are suitable for food contact.
In this section you will find various models of bins and boxes with or without lids that meet the standards in force in the field of health and the transport of foodstuffs. All our products are designed to withstand sub-zero temperatures and most can be sealed with a lid.
Label slots are also provided to allow for easy tracking of goods. This is vital for the traceability, origin and freshness of food.